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Ongoing Projects

We welcome you to start self-initiative projects to help more people learn more about the 'awesomeness' of law! Propose your idea to our discussion group or contact us.


2-By-2: Gen Z's Cup of Law

How does law intertwine with trendy hotly debated issues? Keep updated with the legal perspective on these issues by following us!

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Effortlessly learn a new legal term every Saturday with a stunning graphic. Follow Law101 on Instagram and RoundPier to learn more. Check out our exclusive page with a glossary of the terms.

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Learn about interesting legal events that had happened on the same day with Legally History! Like Legally Word, we are active on Instagram and RoundPier. We provide a timeline of interesting legal events that had happened.



This is a podcast for anyone and everyone who wishes to learn about anything from the field of law.

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